About Us
See our list of 2024 events HERE
Who we are and what we do
We are a family run affair. Our garden is open to visitors and is a Royal Horticultural Society Partner Garden which we try to blend into the local surroundings, both horticulturally and culturally. It contains an extensive collection of plant varieties; over 4000 at last count! One of us has a PhD, another worked at botanic gardens. You get the picture!
From the garden we also trial, propagate, grow, and sell plants - both online and onsite.
A garden design & advice service is also offered. Last but not least a range of courses, illustrated talks, demonstrations, garden tours and workshops can be, and are, provided by us.
Maurice & Joy Parkinson
Maurice was educated at Greenmount College, Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, Writtle College, and the University of Ulster. He was awarded a Masters in Horticulture by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1975. He has worked and taught at Staffordshire College, Greenmount College, and Belfast Botanic Gardens.
Joy was educated at Birmingham University and the University of Ulster. She has worked and taught at both Belfast Metropolitan College and North Regional College.
Joy founded the nursery!
Paul Parkinson
Paul was educated at the University of Oxford. He has worked and taught in London, New York, and Colorado. He does everything around here. Absolutely everything.
Dr Claire Hamilton
Claire was educated at the University of Glasgow. She has worked in Edinburgh and Berlin. She is Paul's sister. She does nothing around here. Nothing.
Lots more people work here now thanks to our loyal custo's! However, Paul hasn't found the time to take their fantastic photos and write their perfect profiles. Why? Because he currently doing everything around here. Absolutely everything.