About this cultivar:
Helictotrichon sempervirens is a popular (ubiquitous!?!?), tough, non-invasive, blue-green number that also happens to be evergreen; the Latin name sempervirens literally means "immortal" but in botany means "evergreen" (in this case "everblue" hah!). Don't even get me started on where you can use this grass; EVERYWHERE!
I find it really hard to get the blue colour across in the photos - the photos look green but is it quite blue!
- Position: Full sun, partial shade
- Soil: Almost any soil, grows well in Ballyrobert
- Flowers: May, June, July, August
- Other features: Grows well in Ballyrobert, Interesting Foliage or Fruit
- Hardiness: Fully hardy - grows well in Ballyrobert!
- Habit: Clump forming, tufted
- Foliage: Evergreen
- Height: 120 - 150 cm (4 - 5 ft)
- Spread: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft)
- Time to full growth: 2 to 5 years
- Plant type: Grass like, Herbaceous Perennial
- Colour: Green, blue
- Goes well with: Achillea and Aster. Stipa gigantea, Pennisetum orientale. Mediterranean plants - Lavendula, Nepeta. Anything really.
About this genus:
Helictotrichon is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the true-grass family (Poaceae), native to Europe, western Asia and North America. There are over 20 species.
Helictotrichon are usually tough and will grow almost anywhere that isn't in complete shade. They an be deciduous or evergreen grasses, forming compact tussocks of linear leaves, with erect or arching stems bearing flowering spikelets in summer. Usually they have a punky, spikey look to them.
Grow them as a sole specimen or clump odd numbers together. Achillea and Aster look well as companions (they always do with grasses) but it often depends on the particular cultivar or species you are going for! If in doubt remember; Grasses love grasses!